posted by Fabio Laguna
A long time ago, while I was participating in a recording session in Valinhos-SP, I started to complain about my professional life, saying I expected more, that I was frustrated… Then the audio technician turned to me and said “Hey! Can’t you see your best time is now? You’re going to understand what I say someday…”. I still remember those words, but they really sounded like self-helping like “each day is a gift”. But, apart from all my skepticism, I must admit that all that babbling, born from decades of popular knowledge, is true. We’re the only species who thinks it needs more, who thinks about the future, when, to tell the truth, we’re just like any other, needing only food and rest and nothing else.
Well, the idea and the curiosity of recording an album in a totally isolated place is something that has been deep inside me for a while, and came from ideas such as Machine Head (Deep Purple), and Blood Sugar Sex Magic (Red Hot Chili Peppers). Generally speaking, I always felt this “studio recording” harmful to our creativity, since we’re hostages of timetable and lack of privacy, people always going in and out… And after all those things, we still have to enter the chaotic environment of the city… That’s why I prefer to record my part in my cozy little bunker (a nickname for my mini-home-studio in my house), where I did the keyboards for Hangar’s new album. But how to convince my very-urban band colleagues that isolation would be good? I’m not a very persuasive guy; however, not only did I manage to bring them to the countryside, but also the heavy metal album recorded there is one that will be a benchmark in Hangar’s history.
Fortunately to us, the countryside studio provided us the same facilities as any other, as well as quality. Not to mention the perfect isolation.
Besides, it helped to strength the bonds between us, since we literally lived together, which had never happened before in the band’s history. And since we usually compare a band with a wedding, I say Hangar just got married. With nowhere to go, we had to solve our silly internal issues and consequently we’ve matured a lot.
I would also like to make my final words here a warm ‘thank you’ to the person responsible for this ‘dream come true’: Nino. We’ll be forever grateful, and we hope to someday reward you with everything you deserve. Thank you for everything, thanks to Neiva and all your family, for having welcomed us for three months. Soon, the album will be worldly released, and we know that a great deal of our fans, friends and family recognition will be thanks to you.