posted by Nando Mello
When the idea of going to the countryside, more specifically to Tatuí – SP, first came out, I couldn’t imagine that after 100 days we would have so many stories (and history too), to tell. To start a project from 0 and finish it within the limit date with the necessary quality is a goal that few manage to achieve, for it demands fiber. When I went back to Tatuí after 20 days absent, that was exactly what I found: fiber, determination, and backbone. I was there in February and March, to compose, and in April, to record. While there, when walking through the house (yes, I walk to think), I was always observing all that was being done, and called the moment “creative outbreak”. Moments of overachieving, always chasing something bigger, satisfaction through our music, and how they could touch people’s feelings. When I entered the band, in 1999, I always believed that we could make it, and for that I waited 10 long years. Though TROYC is a wonderful album, it was worth waiting for this one. Independently of tiredness, of breakdown moments, which could be of three different levels (junior, senior and master), all I could feel was people working to make things perfect.
I learned a lot from Mr. Adair “Again” Daufembach, wonderful professional, always focusing on achieving the best. And we made it. Humberto, our new lead singer, is a great professional and a wonderful person. As I always say “things don’t happen at random”: welcome to the Hangar family. Martinez’s strength, Fabio’s pondering and Aquiles’ determination made those last three months unforgettable. To those three crazy ones, a special thanks for 10 years of Hangar, for the dream of “playing in a rock band”. As concerning the songs… well, that’s another story, one that we’ll be written by Hangar and by all reading this diary…