posted by Aquiles Priester
The beginning is always harder, since it’s difficult to establish a rhythm, but those days are already gone… Now many of our songs are already finished and have gained their own life, going far beyond any of us had imagined…
Now we’re recording the bass, guitars, acoustic guitars, leading and backing vocals. After that, to finish our work, we have to record guitar solos and fit the keyboard part that Fábio is doing at his home from the files we send him by Net… We only have net when we go to Tatuí, since our piece of land, ‘Recanto das Águas’, is about 12 km far from the city, and the road is pure earth… Rainy days transform it in a rally, I mean, a big PARTY!
Mello has already finished his part and is already in his comfortable home, away from the dangerous jungle… In order to do that, last Sunday we spent the whole night until 7am on Monday working, and Adair (aka Ram) had his first MASTER “breakdown”, crying out loud: “I’ve never spent a night awaken, let alone working!”… And one of us said: “Welcome to our weird and adorable crazy little world…” To easy our life, we’ve ranked the different levels of breakdown: junior, senior and master. The champion so far is Mr. Martinez, who experiments different levels of breakdown everyday, but no one has managed yet to break Mello’s Master Breakdown during the early hours when he was recording his bass… Well, after eighteen hours, it’s not that easy…
Buzz is here with us, and he is probably having much more fun than any of us… Today he crossed our little pond from side to side for the first time… He is exercising a lot, since everyone (except Adair, aka Ram) goes jogging and he follows… Sometimes Buzz looks at me and I can imagine him saying: “Life in the country is lovely, there’s a party everyday… We should stay here…”
Last week we did the first official photoshoot with Humberto, and photographer Natalia Lett, from Sao Paulo, came here to register this moment. All things were fast, since we wanted to keep working all nightlong, and the photos in this diary are from that day…
On the next day, we had a big surprise: a headbanger crying for real, in front of me… As we were recording one of our most rhythmic songs, with clean guitars and acoustic guitars, but also with guitar distortion (yes, we had both clean guitars and guitar distortion parts), Mr. Eduardo Martinez entered the room to hear the final version of T*** ** ***** and simply broke down crying…
Humberto put unique leading vocals in that song, in a very different style from hat he is used to. Immediately after everyone saw a headbanger crying, he said: “I was here imagining all things the lyrics are saying and all the possibilities this song is offering us… I can’t wait to see this song mixed and mastered by Tommy.”
And I said: “I can’t wait to let our FANS hear this music…”
Soon we’ll be back with a video of the recordings…