posted by Aquiles Priester
It was a total of five work-days: one just for sound-checking and four to record 12 songs. On the first day one song was recorded, two in the second, another two in the third and four in the fourth day. I left the worst tracks to Days Two and Three, since the tension of Day One had passed and I was already getting used to the room’s acoustic and with my microphone.
Recording is just like that: every single person has a way of doing it and it is not always advisable to change those ways…
On the second day, I started with the seven-and-a-half minute song, which was named “Death Trash Metal”… Jesus, that gave us a taste of Hell… On the next day, while I was listening what was recorded, I decided to change whole the instrumental part and that made my legs turn to jelly, just like in the day before, after recording the same track… On Day Three, should I be able to buy a new set of legs, I would have done it.
On the last day, while I was doing the soundcheck and warming up, Malisca (who was soon nicknamed Marisco or Marica) entered the room to film and accidentally stepped on the cable of one of my over-heads and unplugged the microphone. Unfortunately, Adair just noticed that when I was already in the middle of the song, and that was when he said: “The little shit truck parked, its tyre was punctured and the shit is all over the place!”
KEY > LITTLE SHIT TRUCK PASSING BY: means we are foreseeing something that IS bound to go wrong and we do absolutely nothing to stop it from happening. The little truck is full of shit, its tyre is punctured, the shit goes all over and theirs is nothing we can do.
In that music’s case, the truck turned upside-down and guess who the driver was? Yes, Murphy, and his mate was the Contrary… I started all over again, felling horrible, since all the effort and concentration would be required again, but that was the only way and that was what I did. To hours and a half later, the song was ready.
While recording, I used different snare drums and cymbals, based on the music speed, and the result was very nice. Since you all are so curious, we decided to film some parts of the songs, and some little things that happened in the studio while I was there… Marisca was the responsible for filming and filming edition.
I would also like to thank Renato Pimentel of The Magical Place studio, to Adair Daufembach and Marisca for the wonderful atmosphere that we had during these 5 days together. The photographer Antonio Rossa, from Florianópolis, was another fantastic person I met and was the one who did and excellent photo shoot that you can take a look in official site
Recording is different every time, and exciting because whenever you are recording a new CD, you never know what’ll happen, if people are going to both accept and understand the new thing. It was awesome to share all those things with those guys, because they were all musicians, and also gave me confidence and cheered the good ideas that appeared while I was recording. The best part is that I felt nothing was faked. All that vibration was genuine.
Now we are going to start recording the other instruments and we’ll proceed with the diaries, keeping you informed. In the meantime, check out this video; I hope you like it.