posted by Aquiles Priester
I wanted to start this text this way, because it is exactly like these things are happening in our studio, where we’re recording our new album.
I was remembering our first day here in the countryside, the one we were stuck for good before even reach the place where we would try to compose. If we weren’t sure about what we were doing, we wouldn’t probably have gone forward.
When I say “try”, it is because nobody had the faintest idea of our musical future. Now, the songs are composed, recorded, with lyrics and finished. I must say I believe this album has much more mature songs, superior to everything we did so far. If in TROYC we could do something like “Call me in the Name of Death”, with this new album we could stretch our own bounds, with more dramatic and extremely musical songs. Melody and lyrics are also superior to those of TROYC, and this time there wasn’t one which was not exhaustingly passed by the Memory Test, which consists in creating a melody and not recording it. Should we be unable to remember it in the next day, it was not good enough. Ah, a very good thing was that Fabio and Martinez also helped with the lyrics… And that was a huge relief, since writing our lyrics without pressure is a good thing… On the other hand, having to compose because the leading vocal doesn’t have anything to record anymore is a terrible thing… There were days I kept writing for five hours and then threw everything away…
I didn’t have any free time, since we worked 14 hours per day, always trying to achieve our best performance. Sometimes, we did this at any expense (including our sanity), but we always put the music above us all… The result should be, at least, the best…
We’re currently in the “autists” house, and we had to learn how to deal with our little quirks. We can now deal with everything! Or almost everything…My charms are always with me: a picture of Dean Castronovo (which I have since 1995) and a tiny action figure given to me by Juliana (my daughter). She presented me with it in order to give me luck in every presentation, saying the figure had a hand as big as mine… I take this figure with me whenever I need things to be right…
We started composing in February, and since then, I wasn’t working on that for only two weeks, when I went to Erechim to record with Holiness… Stephanie, Holiness’s leading vocal, was in Sao Paulo to record her part in our album… We also have another two “recording guests”, but I’ll leave you curious…
Now we had to the next stage, audio mixing and mastering. I can’t wait to see Tommy Newton working… Before mixing in Celle-Germany, I’ll go to Italy for some Workshops…
Before ending, I must say I saw my old friends (Martinez, Mello and Fabio) outstanding themselves, and I’m more than amazed by our new fellow, Humberto. I’m sure you’ll all think that way when you hear our album… The main question will be: how many lead singers are there in this band?
Another crucial role was played by Mr. Adair Daufembach… I’m sure he will never be the same…